The Unpardonable Offense

 “Rape is one of the most terrible crimes on earth and it happens every few minutes. The problem with groups who deal with rape is that they try to educate women about how to defend themselves. What really needs to be done is telling men not to rape. Go to the source and start there.” Kurt Cobain 

The aforementioned words by late singer-songwriter Kurt Cobain stand justified in the sense that there is a very common misconception in people’s minds regarding the source of rape. Some regard it as the doer’s fault whereas there are also such people in our society who blame the victim for this shameless act. We all have surely come across those people who are of the opinion that women and girls actually fall prey to such an ill fate because of their own acts like their dressing sense for instance. Such people naturally assume that if a girl is wearing shorts instead of jeans or legging then she is sure to get raped and the accused cannot be held guilty. Another thing that people often talk about is teaching young girls how to defend themselves, I agree with the fact that everyone should know the basics of self-defence incase they ever find themselves in a dangerous situation. But I also firmly stand with the thought that it is actually the men who need to be taught how to control their carnal instincts or whatever it is that drives them towards raping someone. We should start at the source of the crime and not the at the final result of the crime. 

Rape is perhaps the most heinous crime committed by mankind, hurting an innocent’s integrity is a crime so severe that it deserves a punishment of the highest order. It is a crime that is spreading like forest fire in our country. The more we try to stop it by spreading awareness through newspapers, the more it occurs. It makes me want to go up to the govt. officials, grab them by the collar and question, “What is your govt. doing? Why are there still young girls getting raped every day? Is this how you keep your promises?” But yet again I do realize that this hasty step is not feasible in a country like ours. The question that arises here is that is it only the govt. that is entirely responsible for rapes across the country? Is it okay to forget all about the accused and just go about blaming the govt.? The answer is both yes and no. On one hand when it is actually expected of the govt. to make laws so stringent that people think not twice but a 100 times before 

going ahead with such shameless intentions. On the other hand the issue that is even more important and open to debate is the question that can the govt. really do everything to prevent rape and be successful in it when the people of our great nation have the guts and also the pathetic temperament to perform such demeaning and shameful tasks. The truth is that no matter how strict the laws are or how safe the surroundings are, rape cases will continue to occur because the people have the courage and above all the audacity to do it. The way a man treats women, shows his upbringing. 

Another aspect that needs to be taken into consideration here is the psychological cause behind the act. According to surveys a majority of those who commit rape have either been mistreated as a child or have seen members of the family mistreating women. All this leads to them believing that they are superior to women and can treat them however they like. Thus the psychological motive behind rapes cannot be ruled out but it does not justify the same. Another factor is the concept of “forbidden fruit”. The fact that the Indian society is traditional in nature justifies the “forbidden fruit” theory. As kids and even as adolescents boys are always told to not portray their curiosity about the human body. They grow up to assume that a woman’s body parts are something that they could never have and is hence forbidden to them. All this leads to them trying to take that forbidden fruit by any means fair or foul. 

Rape is a serious offense and needs to be stopped at any cost. One thing that we should keep in mind is that instead of playing the “blame game” we should try to bring about a change ourselves. It is our duty as the youth and also as responsible citizens to take a pledge that we will bring up our children in such a way that they learn to respect women. We will not treat our sons and daughters differently. If we change ourselves only then can we change the society and make a safe haven for our women to dwell in. I would like to add just a few concluding lines. 

You touch me, you hurt me, 

You hit me, try to break me, 

You can try all you want but you can’t shake me, 

You can fight all you want but you can’t suppress me. 

Raj Lakshmi Singh 

Creative team Ray Foundation 


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