Project Chaos


 “The pursuit of knowledge may become harmful unless it is combined with wisdom.” 

When Bertrand Russell wrote Knowledge and Wisdom, the year was still 1954. Technology was in the most nascent of its stage, invisible if safely assumed. But for an author to imprint the world with words as such, words that an eighteen-year-old teen might ponder over while writing an essay on cybersecurity, can be withheld beyond coincidence. 

With every step that we take towards opening ourselves to the benefits of the world of technology, we unwarily give access to unseen perils that lurk in its shadows. The world continues its pursuit of new innovations every day, while we prevail in our attempts to catch up, not stopping to realize the plethora of privacy violations we subject ourselves to. 

2020 was the year attributed to the pandemic. 2020 was also the year vulnerable to the biggest recession of all times. 2020 also happened to be the year of surge in cyber-crimes. While the entire country resorted to online methodologies for the desperate continuation of their seemingly ‘normal lives’, they encountered the darkness that ravaged the cyberspace. Uttar Pradesh recorded the maximum number of cyber-crime cases, while the year of 2019 saw a 63.5% rise in this type of crime. These offenders belonged to a specific age group; one between 18 to 30 years. 

Cyber-crime can take up multiple forms, namely phishing, identity theft, hacking, distribution of child pornography, etc. The Government of India had announced an investment of INR 415.86 crore in the setting up of the Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C). This organization is supposed to be diversified among various sub categories like the National Cybercrime Forensic Laboratory, the National Cybercrime Threat Analytics Unit, and the National Cybercrime Reporting Portal. 

In this hapless year, as we continue to seek the internet, more than ever, in our daily lives, the means of security should top our list of priorities. Strong updated software, secured anti-virus systems, reliable passwords, etc are some methods to ensure this. As the famous whistle-blower Edward Snowden once said, 

“There is, simply, no way, to ignore privacy.” 

[Every city has its own cyber-crime cell which facilitates the registration of such complaints. Contact them when witnessing any such criminal activity.] 


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