If the society is crowded by tearable paper-thin individuals, swaying at every step. They will take the civilization towards growth, but it will be an outrageously demeaning growth. India has become a land of many bad things, there is good too. You cannot help but focus on that one black spot on the entire whiteboard. Talking about “your body” is a topic that people run away from. Why? They feel shy. They are embarrassed. They think it is taboo. Talking about a “female body,” some might just puke. Changes take time, but we need to take steps, a toddler step only to bring about this change. To bring about this change, we should talk about the problems that are related to our bodies - sexual as well as non-sexual. Breast Cancer is rarely mentioned, but it is a topic that people should know about. You need to be informed about your mammary glands to take care of them. The biggest myth surrounding Breast Cancer being - it only happens in women. Women are at a higher risk, but it can also o...