
Showing posts from October, 2020

Cast Out Caste

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Break the Taboo! Save a Soul!

If the society is crowded by tearable paper-thin individuals, swaying at every step. They will take the civilization towards growth, but it will be an outrageously demeaning growth. India has become a land of many bad things, there is good too. You cannot help but focus on that one black spot on the entire whiteboard. Talking about “your body” is a topic that people run away from. Why? They feel shy. They are embarrassed. They think it is taboo. Talking about a “female body,” some might just puke. Changes take time, but we need to take steps, a toddler step only to bring about this change. To bring about this change, we should talk about the problems that are related to our bodies - sexual as well as non-sexual. Breast Cancer is rarely mentioned, but it is a topic that people should know about. You need to be informed about your mammary glands to take care of them. The biggest myth surrounding Breast Cancer being - it only happens in women. Women are at a higher risk, but it can also o...

The Unpardonable Offense

  “Rape is one of the most terrible crimes on earth and it happens every few minutes. The problem with groups who deal with rape is that they try to educate women about how to defend themselves. What really needs to be done is telling men not to rape. Go to the source and start there.” Kurt Cobain   The aforementioned words by late singer-songwriter Kurt Cobain stand justified in the sense that there is a very common misconception in people’s minds regarding the source of rape. Some regard it as the doer’s fault whereas there are also such people in our society who blame the victim for this shameless act. We all have surely come across those people who are of the opinion that women and girls actually fall prey to such an ill fate because of their own acts like their dressing sense for instance. Such people naturally assume that if a girl is wearing shorts instead of jeans or legging then she is sure to get raped and the accused cannot be held guilty. Another thing that people...

A Tale Of Two Difficulties Destitution and Starvation

  “Anyone who has struggled with poverty knows how extremely expensive it is to be poor.”  Destitution, more commonly referred to as POVERTY is one of the most common and also the most severe problems that we are facing today. What is poverty? It is nothing but the lack of financial resources to satisfy a person’s basic need for necessities. Poverty as a social evil is so deeply embedded in our economy that it has become almost a characteristic of the Indian society, roughly 7% of the Indian population lives below the poverty line The global Covid 19 pandemic has also contributed towards the worsening of this issue. Due to the onslaught of the pandemic and the resulting prohibitory lockdown, the condition of the people has worsened, the poor have now become poorer and have taken to the streetsin their search for a means of livelihood. The middle class and the small scale industries have been the worst affected. The condition of those who used to work on daily wages has gone f...