The Second Sex
In the course of some research that I was doing on the patriarchal ideology in our country, I discovered that Sigmund Freud has conveniently described women as the "mutilated man". Of course, how on earth could a woman possibly have an identity independent of a Man's? A woman is nothing but "Man's half"- no, a woman is a Man that has been discarded. Couple this with Freud's ridiculous theory of "penis envy" and you already have two of the many reasons why I despise Sigmund Freud. Putting that aside, let's concentrate on why I started out at all. WOMEN. Or more specifically, women's position in our society. One need not even go as far back as the not so ancient "ancient times", and all that "traditional position of women" gibberish. Look at the society around you now. I come from a "progressive" family, but often i'm told not to go out in the clothes I'm wearing because my "top is too short...